Ho-ho-HELLO, Mercury lovers!

Like it or not, it’s the holiday season. And I just wanted to temporarily slide into your sweet brain to say TWO THINGS...

THING ONE: You are a wonderful, thoughtful person, and you are both important and needed. Like everyone else at the Mercury, you are in the “Give a Crap Club” and want Portland to be a place that's fun, vibrant, and cares deeply about those in the community who need assistance. That’s why it’s really important to support local journalism—especially the kind that isn’t beholden to the wealthy special interest groups who put their own profits over the health and welfare of the rest of Portland. Every single day the Mercury fights to produce clear-eyed, hard-hitting journalism that cuts through the lies of the power-hungry, and alerts you to what’s really going on behind closed doors at city hall. It’s hard work… but we freaking love it. Why? Because you and Portland are worth protecting. And this brings us to….

THING TWO: Excellent journalism isn’t free, and (for obvious reasons) the city’s wealthy power-brokers aren’t exactly lining up to support us! So this holiday season, when you’re considering how to share your generosity, I hope you’ll consider the Mercury. Every penny you contribute goes DIRECTLY to our reporters’ salaries, and guess what? It makes them feel really appreciated and fired up to keep bringing you the daily reporting (and occasional sassy-ass fun) you deserve. So what do you say? Help us help Portland. If you’re able, please consider a small monthly or one-time contribution to the Mercury. Contributions from you help us stay free for everyone, and on the job every single day! And wait… actually there’s a…

THING THREE: We really appreciate you! Thank you SO MUCH for all the support you’ve given us over the past two decades, and all the love you show your fellow Portlanders. We have every intention of sticking around (and sticking it to the man) for a very long time. Have a great holiday season, and remember, you are deserving of love and happiness every day of the year!

Thinking of you this season,
Wm. Steven Humphrey
Portland Mercury