I, Anonymous Feb 13, 2023 at 11:31 am



I'm a computer tech. I can't stand dog owners.
I don't cope well being jumped on by strangers of any species, MY cat is the only being with permission to lick me, and I'm working with an open computer. Claws and fur are not good in this situation!
And dog people all say the same things "Oh, he just wants to meet you", "oh she doesn't bite". Bitch, get your mutt off me!
I don't want to kick the dog, it's not their fault, but I sure AF want to kick their human!


We get it. You really hate mondays.


Do you even know people with dogs? I've never had a dog owner friend bring their dog to my home. Ever. I may only be 50, but I know and have known an inordinate number of dog owners in my life. If people are really doing this (and this isn't just a rant you made up), then those dog owners are bad dog owners (and there are plenty of them, they seem to congregate at the dog parks). Responsible, decent people who have dogs care just as much about the comfort and safety of other people as they do their dogs. Now, people who carry little dogs in their purses, people who claim their dogs are service animals when they are not, and people who bring their dogs on the NYC subway? Those people SUCK.


my grandson's boyfriend
brought his cat over to my
Daughter's home when they
came over for a week and he
sprayed on the walls and now
both of their cats've learned to
do the same. they're no longer
a couple. and that dog humping
your leg? it means he Likes you.


Strange. I've never had anyone ask if they could bring their dog over to my house. And most of those I know are dog owners. Never had anyone just show up with one either. This is truly weird.

So, ummm maybe just say "no, no dogs allowed" instead of whatever it is that you do that lets dogs come to your house.

My guess however, is that you don't have a dog problem. You have a people problem. You might want to consider that.

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