

That sucks. I'm sorry the past couple years have been so hard on you. (no sarcasm)

I hope you can reconnect with what is meaningful for you after you get through grieving this disappointment.


Please find another line of work. Nursing isn't for you. Best of luck.


I thank god my kid didn't go to Doctor school & Just in Time for an Insanely politicized / fucking Reich-Wing Extremist-WEAPONIZED wee little virus cum Panfucking Demic.

small Wonder
you're PTSD'd
and Exhausted

one Word:

get the fuck out while you still have your Sanity. sick peep's still gonna be there for you when you get Back. in YOUR Time.

but first you gotta get Away.



@2's merely shooting from
the Hip pay them no


I don’t think you ever had any empathy or humanity to begin with. Flipping the empathy switch like that is a sign of an anti-social disorder. I’m also sure plenty of the public who through no fault of their own have needed help, and your judgmental and entitled headcase of a triage, is probably the one they’ve remembered as a piece of shit when they’ve been scared, in pain, and worried.

Either way, you knew what you signed up for. So you’re an asshole who has to deal with other assholes, it’s not like you didn’t know that, going in. If it’s that bad, get out. I’m sure no one will miss you.


"Either way,
you knew what
you signed up for."

a fucking Plague*
Weaponized for
political gain?

yeah. who
Didn't see
that one

*with 80 MILLIONS
Un- and Under-
Insured in the
in the


@6 if you actually read the gripe? Nothing about the pandemic was mentioned. Sounds like this has been ongoing, beyond the pandemic. But you’re too busy with your stupid word lineups and trying to lecture women of color like you did in another post, why am I not surprised Rain Man?


Nothing a on my end was pandemic mentioned, but do look up (I’m sure CR has a bankroll of links) selective empathy and that’s what I was talking about. It’s not just hospitals having to deal with assholes, Kristo as you’re well aware. It’s a whole other plague that woke up something within human nature, sure as fuck didn’t help what we’d had in office before was what warmed up the pot. The pandemic brought it to a boiling point. But someone like OP shouldn’t even be around people in that setting with an attitude like that.


"But someone like OP
shouldn’t even be around people
in that setting with an attitude like that."

yeah that's what I thought too:

"get the fuck out while you
still have your Sanity."

someone Needs a
Sabbatical desperately

"Nothing about the
pandemic was mentioned."

it's Been in the News

Pandemic's Devastated
the Health Care Field
it's Ground Fucking
Zero Drs. & Nurses
fleeing; 80 hr wks
if they're Lucky

oh & Do Not
Bring It Home


it's a fucking
Powder Keg
these peeps
deserve Haz-
ard Pay Plus.

and TIME

but yeah
they're Assholes
for being Human
Fucking Beings?

where's the


"... trying to lecture women of color
like you did in another post..."

ah -- that's where it went to.

no -- I was Mansplain'
as if I were a Professional
and the little Ladies Needed to Hear it

and you took me Serious.
my bad. it's been Ages
since I had one of
these Deleted.

now I know where
that one went to.

(it was Weird 'cause they
just reassigned the number)

next time
should I remember
I shall add the /S so it's Clear



'Rain Man'?

wanna go to
the Casino?

I'm pretty Good
at Blackjack.


you should see me Drive


"I don’t think you ever had
any . . . humanity to begin with."


well if that ain't
thee most Compassionate
thing I've heard all the live-long Day





& it's Mr.
Rain Man



@kristofarian The fact that you had to post 7 times in a meltdown, sleeping in between postings and waking up to continue? Sounds like someone’s ego was hurt a little bit. Totally worth it. Must really bother you that there are people who neither find you amusing or relevant.

And yeah In that previous post of mansplaining to a woman of color, I’m glad someone or the Merc saw it and removed it. Men like you cannot help themselves and you proved the point of that OP, when she said she was sick of white men, like you man/whitesplaining to her life. Your ego’s can’t accept it, and your rambling bullshit on this post over a period of several hours proves it.

Cute (what I assume) terrier mix in your picture by the way.



butwhattabout this Babsy?

it's really all my rants boil down to.

what about This?

"I don’t think you [OP] ever had
any . . . humanity to begin with."


can you explain
that one to me?



@kristo I don’t need to explain my comment as it speaks for itself. If it lands wherever and someone doesn’t like it? None of my business. Plus wether you like my response or not, I don’t care that your focus is on something and you feel you’re owed an explanation. Deal with it.


@kristo Also read up on “selective empathy” and the psychology behind it. Flipping the switch like that is a sign of disorder. That explains a bit of what I am saying.


@Babs. You have not worked with the public in a meaningful way. If you're going to come back here and say you do, I can probably guess your "job"
EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. who has provided service to the public feels the way OP does.
Some are better actors. Some have better medications/drugs.
We all deal in our own way.
Be thankful that you still believe there is a light at the end.


"I don’t need to explain my comment as it speaks for itself. If it lands wherever and someone doesn’t like it? None of my business."
You get the hypocrisy here? Right?
Right, No. of course not. Sigh.
That's some REAL mental illness.
Deal with it.


I get it
it's Hard
to defend
the Indefensible

well played.


@helios When you say in ANY profession THAT you don’t care wether SOMEONE lives or dies most of the time, it’s all their fault? Get out before ya make a faulty mistake and hurt someone who might be depending on you. Get out of a profession where you have made a blanket statement that people, human beings are “stupid, selfish fuckwads” kind of reminds me of hearing nurses say during the AIDS crisis? “It’s killing all the right people” or “they brought this on themselves, you reap what you sow” when in a past pandemic and you hear talk like that, hearing or reading commentary like that about patients where they’re called “fuckwads”, a generational slam, another example from OP is “I really couldn't care less if most of you get sick or die, most of the time its your own damn fault”
.from yet another pandemic era is rather unnerving as it reminds others of a past experience. Just like the “Don’t Say Gay” bill passing, it is a cold reminder of what was happening in Oregon exactly 30 years ago.

I get it, this person is really really frustrated and obviously burnt out, it’s happening in all of industries isn’t it? But reading a post like that, a person who works in the hospital, can kind of plant a seed of “shit, is this nurse the person who wrote that?” Some of us have PTSD from another epidemic. Maybe I should have been more clear as to why I wasn’t giving a heart circle to such venom.

That same attitude even amidst CNA’s leads to some form of patient abuse.

Yet my response has you all up my ass? Please. If you think you’ve really read me, you’re wrong. The OP needs out of that hospital because it’s made them become despicable. Go to a clinic, go to a hospice, go someplace where you won’t be having to deal with the public directly if humans who are sick REALLY get on your nerves, these “fuckwads”, right? Get out before a lapse in judgement out of frustration puts you in a precarious position of a mistake. But by all means if your patients are all “fuckwads” and where illness is their own “damn fault” then go elsewhere. You don’t have it in you to be of service anymore.

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