

If you're in public, there is no expectation of privacy, which includes having your photo taken. The Video Voyeurism Prevention Act of 2004 only covers nudity and states of undress:

If you're at a store buying something, you're out of luck unless, I guess, the store has its own policy forbidding such things. If you're out in public, yeah, you're totally out of luck.

Surveillance Camera Man is a perfect example:


it's not illegal to fart in an elevator either but that doesn't mean it's okay. Regardless of the law, taking a stranger's picture without their permission is rude and creepy. Unfortunately your only recourse would be to make a scene, call him a stalker out loud, and demand that he delete the picture in front of you.


This is pretty outrageous....Who wants to be see in Rite Aid?


He's probably rubbing one out in the public bathroom while staring at the photo.


Anyone taking your picture by the old and hoepfully present laws means you need to sign off on that. Now that everyone has a cellphone and camera capability obscures the law. You have the right to say "Do not take my picture." If someone goes against that and you can get their information you can report them. Who you report to I am not sure in this day and political age. Yet, you have a right to privacy as protected by our Constitution.


@10 I guess now we know who's running around photographing strangers... FUCK THE LAW, THIS IS AN OUTRIGHT INVASION OF PRIVACY.

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