

My childhood and family environment also made me sensitive to issues of control and undue influence. If I was anon in this situation, I would have just clearly waved the motorist off. But as someone who's fully committed to a carfree lifestyle, I totally understand the urge to want to spar with a motorist who is needlessly and KNOWINGLY polluting our environment because they can't find anyone to carpool with or are too classist to utilize public transportation.

I also haven't had a good fuck in a long time, so there probably is also still a bit of my cromagnon brain at work in these interactions, where despite everything I try to do to define myself, actualize my identity, and assert control over myself and my environment, sometimes I just want someone to be thrown over someone's sholder and carried into the woods to have a nice good week of consensually getting our brains fucked out among the rest of the forest creatures. That's a big factor in why we pick fights with each other sometimes. It's difficult to find a decent brain to spar with these days.


Green light.


wave 'em on
step back a step
look away -- let 'em
know you're really Not going

and it's okay to
thank them


I, A -- do these things (@3)
& they'll realize you're
Immune to their
& Free

have you considered
hosting an Advice
Column for the
Terminally in-
sipid? pretty
Certain they-
'd Welcome
your con-


Or, perhaps you might grasp the notion that said driver is not being kind to you because you're such a wonderful soul, but because state statute and city ordinance requires them to yield to you, the pedestrian, as you attempt to get yourself across the fucking street.

You can wave until your fucking ass falls off. Won't do either you, or them any good. They are still required to wait until you have moved your butt out of the roadway. They don't have a choice.

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