So there I was, at work, having a nice nap behind the wheel, and then this kid (I say kid but they were definitely in their late 20s / early 30s and I've just been conditioned to infantilize those whom don't automatically praise me upon first meeting), comes out of know where and starts criticizing my work. Saying "I should pay more attention to what I was doing," and should "be able to at perform to some minimum professional standards," and "atleast acknowledge the responsibility of my role in the context of community safety and wellbeing". CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS SHIT!? We've been getting along fine for years, collecting our paychecks, and just casually moving things around on the surface, and then this "kid" comes in and wants us to actually adhere to basic ethical standards or even exercise critical thinking when it comes to examining the power structures that enable the systematic failures of our society. DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO I AM?! We're not here to cause trouble, just the opposite, we function to only highlight selective trouble that conforms to our narrative expectations. I mean where do you get these unreal expectations that just because I have some college degrees and years of industry experience that I should be some sort of expert in my field and set an example of honest business practices. I swear. Kids these days. [[shakes fist angrily]]