There is no one in the world who is as sexy and seductive as the drag queen who just did a show here. I've never been so attracted to someone in my entire life. It's extremely confusing and troubling. I know I'm not exciting enough so I'll just plaster my walls with pictures and buy her albums and daydream.

So I can't claim expertise but according to what I can find online the head of the OLCC recently got in trouble for leveraging his public position to benefit him and a few others. They are calling it a bourbon scandal and there is talk of criminal investigations. If you ask me, his real crime was not including more of the unelected political class in his abuse of public power. You see if he had made a certain type of arrangement with a lobbyist or community advocate or ORDOJ attorneys or media professionals to include them in his goings on, he likely could have avoided anyone even looking in his direction much less causing a stink about such reckless corruption. Here's hoping the next OLCC person in charge has the foresight to make sure all the appropriate players are also in on the take. Otherwise who knows what could happen.

Why do dog people assume everyone loves dogs? If you're visiting friends without a pet, don't ask to bring the pet, please. It is awkward to say aloud what should be self-evident: I don't want dogs in my house. And if someone has allergies, really don't ask. No one ever takes pet allergies seriously ("I'll just keep her away from you" or "she's hypoallergenic") as if dogs don't beeline for the one person ignoring them and as if hypoallergenic dogs can never trigger allergies (spoiler alert: they do, see these hives all over my arms and neck?). Allergies aside, I don't want your dog on my clean rugs or my nice sofa and I don't want its dander and hair all over the place for weeks after you leave. And I don't want to have to say all this out loud! Dog owners, just assume there is a reason your non-dog friends don't have dogs and don't bring your dog into our houses unless the host offers it explicitly.

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I spent the past twenty years listening to people complain that there are too many people moving here, that everything is getting too expensive, that this city was cooler back in the 90's when it was grungy and dirty and cheap. And then, like magic, fewer people are moving here and the city is getting grungier and dirtier and cheaper. So are people finally happy? No! Now everyone is complaining that too many people are moving out, and property values are dropping, and the city was better back in the teens when everything was trendy and hipster. Make up your mind Portland! Decide what kind of city you want to be and be it. Stop complaining about how much better everything used to be. Be here now.

Dark Blue, Red, Orange, Magenta, Purple, Lime Green, dark green? Correct Answer: Dark Blue. Dark blue obstructs, impairs visibilty. Next worse color is orange, ore-ange. What color jumpsuit criminals wear? In the rear seats seated, dark windows, passing through town lights.

You did it to yourselves. Unionizing is a REACTION. “Task Based Scheduling”, intense micro managing, changing people’s established schedules, implementing a more stupid attendance policy in the midst of a pandemic…

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You were there again last night. One moment I was in a theater carrying my luggage, I got some sort of phone call and I gathered my things to exit, and then suddenly I was with you again. I remember the touch of your legs on my cheeks. The feeling of your hand stroking my neck and back. Your intoxicating aroma of obsession. And the exhuberance of having you within my reach again. There was a knock at the door, you whispered five words in my ear. I refused to turn my head or give into any distraction. The blanket descended upon us. Suddenly, I was back in the theater. I woke up feeling incredibly lucky to see your smile again, even if it was just the best my mind could do it justice.

Its bringing my heart smiles and tears everytime I've been boarding the bus and seeing the reserved seat up front for Rosa Parks. I'm tearing up right now. So YAY to Pioneer heroes that started a movement, who cared to stand up to inequality and discrimination especially in times when it was considered outrageous to do something questioning authority. Also screw all you narrow minded humans still carrying your labels, judgments, stereotypes and prejudices to this very day. Also, my mom is my hero along with a few professional business associates, and famous actors and musicians. Also, always question power. Always question it and stand up to it. Not just to let those in power think they have it.

There is a weekly paper in Portland (spoiler: it's not the Mercury) that is a waste of trees, eyesight, time and attention. This week some writer is sobbing over losing "Portland's Biggest Fans." Boo-hoo. These turn out to be people who object to the higher taxes! How sad, a bunch of trust fund babies and "CEOs" are taking their resplendent selves to Dallas. Goodie. Nobody should be crying over this. What about the people who "left" Portland via heat deaths and deaths from homelessness? I guess this weekly doesn't see that as a news story. Why that is a surprise to me I don't know, because instead of ever being remotely rebellious, watchdoggy (like that word?) or progressive, this weekly has always been bullshit! If it's cover wasn't a burger it was a beer. It is always pushing America's tainted meat supply and alcohol problem on its readers, and always in a douchy way that seemed to take for granted that we can all afford five dollar doughnuts and twenty dollar burgers. And it pushes astrology—hey, why not Scientology? Why you ask do I even sully my hands with this rag—easy, I use it to wrap fish scraps in.

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I got your message. My answer is an enthusiastic "YES!" There are plenty of details to figure out and I have faith that we can do that together.

What if we did rotating weekly themes where all you can post about is: boobs, art, space, bands, beer, puppies, etc? Happy stuff. In my day, "real locals" were suppressed and hidden from sight so that we could make this town radical, rebellious, and desirable to those more awesome than ourselves.

No, you watch out. Once someone says this, "watch out" to me as their way of saying "excuse me," I lose my respect for that person as a comrade in life. You might as well say, "Move!" Whats wrong with "excuse me?" "Coming through" at least has more politeness than "move or watch out." So your parents or teachers never taught you manners. You can blame them all you want and say they never taught you which may or may not be true. But you only have yourself to blame in your many decades on earth for never learning polite manners and cordial etiquette. So I might tell you next time, "no you watch out." Or I might say, "no, you pay attention to where you're going." But I'll probably just say "eat shit or fuck you." I don't know what's worse a clueless rude person, or a purposeful rude person?

We are all interconnected. Some in more ways than others. Take for example the former Head of FBI Counterintelligence Chuck McGonigal, the dude who was supposed to be protecting us from things like organized crime and foreign powers interfering in our elections, was just indicted for working for secretly working for organized crimes and foreign powers interfering in our elections. (Pause for effect). I wonder if this will be one of the paths wherein we learn more about the FBI + DHS's, coordinated attacks against innocent Portlanders. I guess we'll know soon enough.

When you steal that 80s/90s car it is often from somebody on a fixed income or with few funds to afford a replacement. Glad you got your 25$ in parts and some free gas to royally fuck somebody over.

I, Anonymous Jan 29 1:24 PM

My Feet

I grew up taking all outdoor footwear off before going into the house. I never wore socks but that would be considered okay. House slippers as well, however once you wear your indoor house slippers outside, it doesn't seem logical anymore to wear them indoors again. Kinda like sanitizing your hands then completing your transaction touching keypads. So I've essentially only ever been barefoot in homes, even those that don't advocate for shoeless houses. That is when I do notice how dirty floors are though. This has been my way of live for almost 50 years. And in my own home, which I do keep pretty clean and don't have very many visitors, my feet will undoubtedly find the smallest debris, the tiniest grain, and the most microscopic crumb of anything on the floor or carpet or rug. Its almost as if that baby grain rice, or mini bread or chip crumb just scoots itself to right under my foot because they find them all the time. This is even as I consider myself to be a very neat and careful eater. Sometimes, because of the sensitivity of my feet, when one lands on something, I feel it, immediately stop, then I'm able to lift my foot up and retrieve the little ant tease right up. Pretty talented huh? Stop, this ain't foot fetish hour now.